Spiritual Counselor

Dharma Talks
The talks below were offered by David at weekly meditation groups and other special events and retreats. Our intention is to make these talks freely available to anyone who would like to hear them. ​
Older recordings, reaching as far back as 2003, are available in our archive.
You have two options for listening to a talk: 1) You can stream and listen to it immediately. To do so, click on the title of the talk. 2) You can download the talk to your computer or mobile device and listen to it at a time that’s convenient for you. To do so, click the Download button to the right of the track. If you have any problems listening to a talk, please contact Stephen Troy for assistance at 781.308.7881 or stephenttroy@gmail.com.
There’s no cost for accessing these dharma talks. We offer them in the spirit of dana, which in Buddhist teachings is translated as “generosity freely given.” A donation is not required, and there’s no suggested amount. Guidelines for the practice of dana are to choose a contribution that gives rise to a warm, joyful feeling in your heart and to make an offering that feels appropriate in relation to your personal financial situation. The donations we receive will be used to support the activities of the Insight Meditation Community of Colorado. Donations of any size will be sincerely appreciated.​



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Visit our dharma talk archive for older talks